The top 6 books to help you grow your printmaking business.
We have broken the list up in equal parts; printmaking books and business/entrepreneurial books. Both of which can be equally critical to growing your business.
Fine Art Printmaking
The following books will help you learn more about fine art printmaking as well as the business of selling art. These books should be passed on to your employees, especially anyone involved in the printmaking process.
Mastering Digital Printing, Second Edition
by Harald Johnson
This all encompassing book by Harald Johnson is considered by many to be the Bible of digital printing for fine-art printmakers and photographers. With a complete history of digital printing from the first digital print made at Nash Editions to a comprehensive explanation of all aspects of digital printing, this book is a must have for any professional fine art or photographic printmaker.
301 Inkjet Tips and Techniques by Andrew Darlow
Andrew Darlow is a photographer and true digital printing guru and has written this incredible guide to educate and assist artists and photographers who are printing their own images with an inkjet printer. This book is far more than just a compilation of tips, rather it is an in depth and current discussion of all the topics and techniques that novice and professional printmakers alike are interested in.
How to Profit from the Art Print Market
by Barney Davey
An art industry veteran for over 20 years, Barney Davey understands the business of fine art and in this book provides valuable knowledge, experience, and insight into the fine art print and publishing industry. This book is highly recommended for any artist interested in pursuing the business aspects of their craft and breaking into the fine art market for profit.
How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie
by Dale Carnegie (Sales)
A provocative title, but a true classic in the world of selling. This book will forever change the way you think about and approach customer relationships.
Emotional Branding
by Marc Gobe (Marketing)
This book will take you deep into the inner depths of creative marketing, and help you devise or improve your current strategy.
Strengths Finder 2.0
by Tom Rath (Management)
Not your typical management book, this book encourages you to understand and develop your employees’ innate strengths in business. The most valuable aspect of this book is the strengths-finder analysis (similar to a personality test) provided that your employees/job candidates can take. Eliminate unnecessary workplace conflict, unrealistic expectations, and perpetual management frustrations with this powerful tool.
Your two ¢
Have any books you think we should add to the list? Let us know in the comments.