OBAs aka Optical Brightening Agents aka Optical Brighteners are fluorescent molecules added to the inkjet coating of fine art media to enhance the whiteness and brightness of the product. Effective though these additives may be, OBA’s have a short usable life after which they “burn out,” leaving the media permanently yellowed and faded. Think of OBA’s as filler- an inexpensive way to add bulk or improve the appearance of something while adding little or no substantive value. If you are looking for a paper or canvas that won’t deteriorate with age, be sure to check the product page for our Archival Certification and check the product specs to confirm that it’s OBA-free.
Also expressed as g/m2 or Grams per Square Meter, this measurement represents the total weight of a one-meter by one-meter square of a given substrate. The higher the number, the heavier the material. There is not a direct corollary between GSM and Caliper, rather GSM is a function of Base Composition, Texture, Caliper, and the amount of coating applied.
Measured in mils (1/1000th of an inch), like the tool with which it shares a name, Caliper is used to demarcate the thickness of a media.
The measurement of how impenetrable to light or see-through a product is. Opacity is measured from 0% (fully transparent) to 100% (fully opaque). Products with 100% opacity completely block all visible light.
The standardized and measurable expression of “Finish,” Gloss Level rates the sheen or how light-reflective a product is. Typically, a product with a GU of 0-4 is considered Matte, 5-8 Satin, and 9+ Gloss.
Indicates the inside diameter of the roll's core. Most large-format printers have a spindle designed with adapters able to accommodate both 2" and 3" core sizes. Breathing Color uses yield maximizing Padded Core technology for aqueous canvas rolls allowing printing to the very end of the roll. Competitors non-padded cores can generate as much as 10% gross waste per roll.