Epson Stylus Pro 3880 – The best printer reviews, YouTube videos, forum discussions and more.
Looking to read up and do some research on the Epson 3880 printer? To find the best Epson 3880 reviews?
Don’t waste your time googling. We have you covered.
We have rounded up and curated the best printer reviews, YouTube videos, forum discussions and more on the net.
Epson 3880 Reviews
Epson Stylus Pro 3880 A Pro Gets Even Better
Great review that compares older Epson models with the newer Epson Stylus 3880 and calls it king of the hill desktop printer. New inks, heads and screening, as well as improved color gamut put the 3880 at high recommendation. By Michael Reichmann from Luminous Landscape
Epson Stylus Pro 3880 Review
Good review that focuses on the new AccuPhoto HD2 screening, improved print head, Vivid inksets and great print quality. By Jon Canfield from Photography Blog
Epson Stylus Pro 3880 review
Very thorough in depth review highlighting the Epson Stylus 3880 commenting that its an excellent, solidly performing printer and great color and B&W output. By Keith Cooper from Northlight Images
Epson Stylus Pro 3880 Review
Good detailed review of Epson Stylus 3880 and its features, commenting on the pleasant surprise of no clogged heads or print head alignment needed, and efficient ink usage. By Ron Martinsen from Ron Mart
Epson Stylus Pro 3880 review
In depth review covering the features of the Epson Stylus Pro 3880 which received the digital trends editor’s choice award. Highlights 17×22 print size, wide color gamut, excellent output quality, and ability to use wide range of specialty paper. Good review by Ted Needleman from digital
Epson Stylus Pro 3880 Review and Ratings
Detailed review of Epson Stylus 3880 with positive comments and feedback of specs and features. Stated exceptional wide-format desktop photo printer for pros or amateurs. By Sally Wiener Grotta and Daniel Grotta from Computer
Review Epson Stylus Pro 3880
Great review describing the Epson Stylus 3880’s features and highlighted the outstanding output and reliable performance. Great size ink catridges. By Ernesto Santos from
Best Youtube Videos on the net featuring the Epson 11880
Introducing the Epson Stylus Pro 3880
DTG introduces the Epson Stylus Pro 3880 and its setup and features. (50,381 views, 2 comments)
How to print with Epson 3880 and Epson Hot Press, Fine Art paper
Tutorial on printing with Epson Stylus Pro 3880 – talks about signature worth sample paper (79,698 views, 15 comments)
Epson Stylus Pro 3880 printing a A3+ at full res with finest detail fast forward
Demonstration of Epson Stylus Pro 3880 in fast forward printing at A+3 with fine detail (30,381 views, 7 comments)
Epson Stylus Pro 3880 Unboxing, Installation, Setup and Printing
Video showing the unpacking, setup, and installation of new Epson Stylus 3880 (4,054 views, 1 comment)
Espon Stylus Pro 3880
Instructional overview of printing tips with the Epson Stylus 3880 (20,809 views, 3 comments)
Epson Stylus Pro 3880 CMYK Color Management + Proofing
Instructional video on setting up printer CMYK color management profiles (1,604 views, 1 comment)
Epson Stylus Pro 3880 13X19 Borderless Issue Finishing Prints
Using an Epson Stylus 3880, displays finished borderless prints on 13×19 (2,305 views, 3 comments)
Epson Pro 3880 3800 refillable cartridges part A.MPG
Demonstration of refilling ink for Epson Stylus 3880 (7,901 views)
The best forum discussions on the web about the 3880
Can Anyone Actually Print a Photograph Taken With the High Res D800?
User commenting on needing a printer capable of printing the quality images from D800 camera, saying they cannot get the Epson Stylus 3880 to do so. Other users giving tips and links for 3880 high resolution printing tutorials.
Being talked out of r3000 to get 3880
Discussion about which printer Epson Stylus 3880 or R3000 is better suited for the poster’s needs. Discussing costs of ink and amount of usage per month.
CS5 and Epson Printer Plug-In 1.12
Troubleshooting driver for Photoshop CS5 not compatible with Epson Stylus 3880. links provided for reference.
Crooked feed on Epson 3880
User asking for tips to remedy crooked paper feed with new Epson Stylus 3880. Different recommendations as to heavy paper or paper size settings. Also to just re-feed paper.
No response on the printer forum. I’d appreciate help!!!
Discussion about Epson Stylus 3880 as best fit for the poster, who is looking for real life reviews and if the printer is best suited for his age and lack of required maintenance. Different comments recommending the Epson Stylus 3880 as a great printer.
Which Epson for First Rate B&W and Landscapes?
Thread discussing which printer would be best, narrowed down to Epson R2880, Stylus Pro 3800, or Stylus Pro 3880. Leaning towards newer Epson Stylus Pro 3880 for reduced clogging issues.
Epson Stylus Pro 4900 vs. 3880
Discussion comparing the Epson Stylus 4900 and 3880 for positive differences and recommendations from other users. 4900 does use roll paper and has slightly higher color output but is very large. (17,505 views)
Is the Epson 3880 a disposable printer?
User having difficulty with Epson Stylus 3880 printing on Cansen discovery paper, scratching and cutting paper. Suggestions to check for damaged head due to thicker paper. (1,355 views)
44″ Printer or 24″ Printer?
Discussion regarding Epson Stylus 3880 which is already owned and OP wants to upgrade to either a 24″ or 44″ and is looking for recommendations from experienced users. (3,710 views)
Where are Epson 3880 profiles for Epson Premium Luster
Thread discussing how to find Epson Stylus 3880 profiles embedded in driver and email to another user. Tips for locating profiles and how to send whether mac or pc. (6,346 views)
Another “My print doesn’t match what’s on the screen..”
Troubleshooting tips for adjusting the monitor view to match the print. Calibration adjustments recommended and link to a color management thread provided. (7,863 views)
Epson 3880 Cleaning
Epson Stylus 3880 did its own cleaning and the poster is questioning if this is preventative procedure and if so how to turn off automatic cleanings. Reffered to manual and other tips. (2,815 views)